The year was 1957.  It was a motley group of about 20 Christians consisting of men, women & children who used to gather for worship.  The leader of this group was Mr. E.D. Sinthamani, a Time Keeper with the Kandla Port Trust.  It was during one of their cottage meetings Mr. Stephens, who had recently joined the erstwhile Burmah Shell (now known as Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd.), came into contact with this group.  Stirred by the Holy Spirit, Mr. Stephens gave a short testimony in this meeting, which impressed the gathering and thus started a Ministry, which, now half a century later, is one of the largest gathering of Pentecostal Christians in the State of Gujarat.

It later on emerged that two of the sisters viz. Sis. Arumaiammal, Mother-in-Law of Mr. E.D. Sinthamani and Sis. Grace Thayammal, wife of Mr. E.D. Sinthamani were praying for a revival in Gandhidham and as a result of their prayers, God worked in the heart of Mr. Stephens, who landed up in Gandhidham in search of a secular job.  So the foundation of the Ministry was prayer and God’s great plan.  God established the Ministry.

Over the years, numerous people were used in this Ministry.  To name a few, Bro.K.M. Johnny, Bro. K.V. Abraham were some of the people whom God used in various ways for the furtherance of the Lord’s Kingdom.

How true is the word of God which says in (Zec 4: 10 [NIV]) “Who despises the day of small things? ……”(These seven are the eyes of the LORD, which range throughout the earth.)”

In the year 1973 there was a prophesy and God gave the word, Isaiah 58:12  which says “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations;  you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

Accordingly, the Almighty God, was true to his promise and made this Ministry to build  worship places, where for two thousand years, they had been no Christian worship, at different places scattered over Gujarat and Rajasthan, which were lying defunct, and repair the broken works and restore worship at few places.  This Ministry could fulfil God’s plan at many of the locations in the state of Gujarat & Rajasthan.

You can find the details of these missions in the Missions Section.

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